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Lorem Ipsum является текст-заполнитель обычно используется в графических, печать и издательской индустрии для предварительного просмотра макета



Lorem Ipsum является текст-заполнитель обычно используется в графических, печать и издательской индустрии для предварительного просмотра макета



Lorem Ipsum является текст-заполнитель обычно используется в графических, печать и издательской индустрии для предварительного просмотра макета

Як отримати допомогу?



Lorem Ipsum является текст-заполнитель обычно используется в графических, печать и издательской индустрии для предварительного просмотра макета



Lorem Ipsum является текст-заполнитель обычно используется в графических, печать и издательской индустрии для предварительного просмотра макета



Lorem Ipsum является текст-заполнитель обычно используется в графических, печать и издательской индустрии для предварительного просмотра макета

Відкрита система для допомоги собакам і котам України



The invasion of the russian federation into Ukraine caused a humanitarian catastrophe both for the people and for the tailed inhabitants of Ukraine. The "Tailed Hostages of War" campaign was launched in the early days of the war as a response to the crisis and united the animal protection and volunteer communities, as well as business and government agencies of our country. We deliver humanitarian aid to the crisis regions, namely: pet food, veterinary drugs, other daily animal care products, equipment for veterinary clinics, etc. In the shortest possible terms, we set up logistics, a network of regional warehouses and coordinators, created a unique system for collecting and processing aid applications in the form of a website, as well as the most transparent system of reporting to donors.


Ukraine is among the top ten countries in the world in terms of the number of homeless animals. This is due to outdated legislation in the field of animal welfare, the lack of control mechanisms for animal owners, and the unwillingness of state bodies to adopt the best world experience in this area. We are convinced that the improvement of legislation in the field of animal welfare is an important element of the European integration of Ukraine. We study the best practices to bring Ukrainian legislation closer to EU law. UPAW works with state authorities, public organizations, and business representatives in order to implement legislative initiatives.


The educational area of activity of UPAW involves strengthening of specialized narrow-focused educational programs for veterinarians, as well as developing a knowledge base for animal protection organizations in Ukraine and all interested parties. We are working on projects that contribute to the emergence of modern Ukrainian-language educational literature for students of veterinary specialties and practicing veterinarians. The animal protection environment of Ukraine needs transition to the practices of professional management and process management. We are ready to share our own knowledge and the latest practices that have proven their effectiveness in the leading countries of the world.


Most Ukrainian cities and villages are not able to provide proper conditions for animal maintenance – neither for homeless, nor for companion animals. Most public and private animal retention centers in Ukraine do not meet any standards for the humane treatment of animals. The culture of handling animals shall be changed fundamentally. We have ready-made solutions to create the necessary infrastructure across the country, municipalities, and animal shelters. Our goal is the well-being of both companion animals and homeless paws.